Newspaper Article - Marcus Bain Family
Canton Times, 25 Dec 1880

Bains came in wagon from Illinois
Marcus Brown Bain, of Scotch-Irish descent, was born to Mark Brooks Bain and
Matilda Brown Bain, may 28, 1861, near the small town of Reesville, Johnson
County, Ill.
Marcus Bain's forefathers came to America from Ireland, first settling in
North Carolina. They came to America with the name "MacBain" but soon
dropped the "Mac" and from then on used the name "Bain."
The Bains migrated later to Illinois. There Marcus grew up, met a Danish
lass, Martha Elvira Gregg. Martha was born at Metropolis, Ill., March 5,
Marcus B., age 18, and Martha Elvira, age 16, were united in marriage Oct.
5, 1879. They continued living in Johnson County, wher eight of their ten
children were born. They lost two sons in infancy. Bain farmed and taught
In 1898 the Bains and their four sons, Gene, Ralph, Lloyd, and Alonzo, and
two daughters, Carol and Clara, left Illinois for Oklahoma. Of course, they
were expecting a good life in this land of hope – little did they know how
much was ahead and what they would endure.
Marcus sold his small home and bought extra teams and a covered wagon. The
trip was long and sickness and other trials prevailed, but after many, many
miles and some stops along the way, they arrived at a small town,
Weatherford, where they stayed several years. This town was just beginning
and was on a boom. Marcus sold his wagon and teams for enough to buy a small
home and soon got a job operating the cotton gin.
While living in Weatherford, their third daughter Della was born.
After about six years Bain decided to file on a claim in Day County (now
Roger Mills County). This claim was at the foot of the Antelope Hills. While
living there their fourth daughter, Agnes, was born. Bain farmed and took up
broom-making. He had to peddle the brooms from town to town by wagon and
The claim or farm didn't prove to be a very good one, so again the Bains
moved on. This time they came to Oakwood, where Bain continued making and
selling brooms. Also, Mrs. Bain and girls operated the hotel.
They stayed in Oakwood three years, moving to Canton in 1914. Bain bought a
small home on North Broadway and later built a six-room house on the same
lot and made this their home for many years. They also joined the Methodist
Church, which was their church home for many years.
Bain continued his broom-making and selling for a number of years. He also
bought and tested cream for Beatrice Creamery several years. In 1920 Bain
and son Alonzo went into business together at Bain's Garage and Dodge
Agency. They bought a frame building on Broadway from Wesley Rogers, later
putting up the Houston Edsel building he has now.
In 1927 both Bain and A. G. were listed in the Blaine County edition of
In 1917 Alonzo served his country in World War I in France in the Army
Engineers Corps. A. G. was also a charter member of the Lions Club and of
the American Legion Post.
Both were active in civic affairs and in later years Bain served Canton as
city judge. Mrs. Bain was always on call day or night to anyone needing
assistance in any kind of sickness. During the flu epidemic in 1918 she went
from house to house caring for the sick and dying – never thinking of
herself. But in all that caring for others she never did get the flue. She
never turned a hobo (and there were many in those days) from her door
without sharing some of the food they had.
After 83 years of being together, Bain passed away in 1942. Mrs. Bain died
in 1947 and both are buried in Canton Cemetery. Their children still living
are Lloyd Bain, Eugene, Ore.; Clara Reed, Oklahoma City; Della Mannering,
Springfield, Mo.; and Agnes Felder, Canton.